Notes on Windows PowerShell
- Is bit slow and creepy ;) but better than command line
- Running as administrator helps you overcome many of the access denied situations
- PowerShell script files are simple text files with .ps1 extension
- To run a script file,
- Open a PowerShell instance (preferably as administrator)
- Type the path to .ps1 file and hit enter
- If you get an error due to execution-policy is restricted, try
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
- The above will ask for your permission. To avoid that and force use
set-executionpolicy remotesigned -force
- If you want this to be done across a Windows HPC cluster using clusrun command
$nodes="node1,node2,..,noden" clusrun /nodes:$nodes powershell set-executionpolicy remotesigned -force
- To run a script file,
- To start a new process through a script -
start-process command "options and args"
- If you want it to be on the same window and wait for it to complete use
start-process command "options and args" -NoNewWindow –Wait
- If you want it to be on the same window and wait for it to complete use
- Invoke a command on a remote machine -
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $node -ScriptBlock {Start-Service MyService}
Handling variables
- Local variables
$param0=$args[0] $param1=$args[1]
$javaBin=$env:JAVA_HOME + "\bin"
- A better alternative – number 2 indicates system variable. Use number 1 for user variable
- String operations (few)
- Concatenation
$name="John" $x="hello " + $name + "! How are you ?"
$name.Substring(1) // "ohn" $name.Substring(1,2) // "oh"
$name.StartsWith("hello") // true
$name.IndexOf("ohn") // 1
$name.Length // 4
$javaHome=$env:JAVA_HOME // e.g. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10" $javaBinString=join-path -path $javaHome "bin" // e.g. "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\bin"
- For loop
for($i=1;$i -le 10; $i++) { //body }
- -le is <=
- -lt is <
- -gt is >
- -eq is == in usual programming language notation
- Foreach loop
$jars=ls ($env:TWISTER_HOME + "\lib") *.jar foreach ($jar in $jars) { $jar=$jar.DirectoryName + "\" + $jar.Name $cp=$jar+";"+$cp }
$([System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory())This is pretty much I found useful for my work. Feel free to suggest any.
Study of Biological Sequence Structure: Clustering and Visualization
My presentation in our SALSA HPC weekly meeting.
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