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Ubuntu 9.04: Way better than 8.10

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I have used Ubuntu since it's version 6.04 simply because I felt that it is easy to work with. Anyway, for me, the versions x.04 never gave a good impression. So I used to say "hey! if it's not a x.10 version then it's not what I like". Interestingly, I am finding it is hard to say with Ubuntu 9.04.

Here's a list of things I felt really cool with 9.04.

1. No configuration necessary for the ATI drivers. Yea I had a really fun time configuring stuff with 8.04, 7.10, and 6.10 (Um, I can't remember what I did with 6.04).

2. External display detection is really awesome. It can even arrange the displays in any order I like (e.g. external one on top of default one).

3. Intel wireless card works like a charm.

4. Easy configurations for printers; hmm, I should really admire this.

5. Reliable (so far). Didn't crash, didn't reboot with errors, and most interestingly hibernate seems to work better than in previous versions.

6. Improved graphics.

In summary, I am beginning to like x.04 s as well :)

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